Cookies Policy

1 What is this notice about?

1.1 This Cookie Notice explains how we use "cookies" and similar technologies on the Modern House website at (referred to in this notice as the "website"). It is designed to assist you in making informed decisions when using our website. Please take a moment to read and understand this Cookie Notice. This Cookie Notice should also be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy.

1.2 In this policy, "we", "us" and "our" refer to The Modern House. For more information about us, see Section 8.

2 What are cookies or similar technologies?

2.1 A cookie is a very small text file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a website to a web browser and is stored by the device to remember information about, such as your language preference or the date of your visit to the website. We may also use similar technologies to cookies, known as "web beacons", "pixels" or "tags". These technologies do a similar job to cookies, allowing website operators to count page views and understand how visitors interact with and respond to certain content on a webpage. For the purposes of the remaining sections of this Cookie Notice, we refer to all cookies and similar technologies using the above features as "cookies".

2.2 We use "first party cookies" and "third party cookies" on our website. First party cookies are cookies placed by us to collect information about you. Third party cookies are cookies placed by third party website operators. Information about you collected by those third party cookies will be shared with the relevant third party. Please see the 'Cookies used by our service providers' section below for more details about the third party cookies that we use.

2.3 You should be aware that applications you use to access our website, such as your website browser, may also place cookies on your device when visiting our website, or other websites. An example of this would be where you sign in to Google Chrome using a Google Account. We do not have control over these third party cookies, so you will need to manage these cookies in the settings of the relevant applications.

2.4 Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we already store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies, and as such we may be able to identify a user using cookies.

3 How long do cookies last?

3.1 Cookies may be either "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed.

4 Cookies that we use

4.1 We use the following types of cookies on our website:

(a) Essential Cookies – Essential cookies are those cookies which a website could not operate without. Essential cookies include cookies such as shopping cart cookies.

(b) Functionality Cookies –These cookies recognise you when you return to a website, remember your preferences and provide enhanced, more personalised features, such as showing you properties you have recently viewed or saved, and knowing whether you have subscribed to our newsletter.

(c) Analytics/Performance Cookies –Analytics cookies, along with other information, allow websites to calculate the aggregate number of people using a website and which features of a website are most popular. This information is generally used to improve the website and the way visitors are able to move around it

(d) Security, Site and Product Integrity Cookies – These cookies help keep your data and the website safe and secure.

(e) Social Media Cookies –These cookies are used to personalise your interaction with social media, such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. Such cookies recognise users of those social media sites when you view social media content on the website. They also allow you to quickly share content across social media, through the use of simple "sharing" buttons. Some websites may also contain features that enable you to use your social media account to sign in and create/maintain an account with the website you are visiting and to enable the website operator to store your content.

(f) Targeting Cookies –Targeting cookies (also known as advertising cookies) help us to deliver our adverts when you visit other websites, such as news websites. This is known as "retargeting". This technique helps to ensure that the ads you receive are more relevant to you and your interests. These cookies help to measure the effectiveness of an ad (for example, by reporting whether you have clicked on it) and can also limit the number of times that you see an ad (for example, if you see it twice but don't click on it, you may not see it again). These cookies are usually placed by advertising networks that we and other advertisers work with to deliver ads. They remember that you have visited a website and this information is shared with other ad networks to show you relevant ads.

4.2 The list below sets out more information about the individual cookies that we may use on our website and those that our service providers may use, and the purposes for which they are used:

a) __cf_bm 1st Party Essential 1 Day
This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of our website.

b) PHPSESSIONID 1st Party Essential Session
This cookie creates an anonymous session for the user.

c) NEWLETTER_POPUP_SHOWED 1st Party Functional 1 Day
This cookie is created to ensure the newsletter popup does not repeatedly show to users who have seen it in a session

d) -UA
This cookie is used by HotJar to detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a True/False flag set by the cookie.

e) _gid 1st Party Analytics 1 Day
This cookie collects information about how you use our website. This cookie does not directly identify a user.

f) _fbp 3rd party Advertising 3 month
This cookie is used by social networking site Facebook. It collects data from facebook to serve targeted advertising

g) COOKIE_SEEN_# 1st Party Essential 1 Year
This cookie is used to store your preferences in relation to the use of cookies.

h) _ga 3rd Party Analytics 2 Years
_ga_# _gat_UA
This is a Google Analytics cookie. It registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on the use of our website. More information about Google Analytics can be found here:

i) _gcl_au 1st Party Analytics 3 Months
This cookie stores and tracks conversions when using our site

5 Managing cookies

5.1 Is consent needed to use cookies? This depends on the type of cookie:

(a) Non-essential Cookies – We may only store and access non-essential cookies on your device with your permission. You are not obliged to give consent to our use of non-essential cookies. If you do give your consent and then change your mind, you can block or delete them (see Section 6 below).

(b) Essential Cookies – Please note that we do not need your consent to store and access essential cookies on your device, although you can still block or delete them (see Section 6 below).

6 Refusing, Blocking, or Deleting Cookies

6.1 There are various ways that you can manage your cookie preferences, but please be aware that blocking all cookies will have an impact upon the usability of many websites, including ours. This means that if you block cookies, you will not be able to use all the features on our website.

6.2 Your options for managing your cookie preferences are set out below:

Through the cookie banner on our website

6.3 When you access our website, we will ask you to provide consent for our use of non-essential cookies. We may repeat this request on subsequent visits to our website, for example if you delete cookies from your browser or we need to request new consents from you.

6.4 When we seek your consent, you will either be able to provide consent for all non-essential cookies that we would like to use. You can also change your preferences and/or withdraw consent at any time by contacting us.

6.5 Just as a reminder, where cookies are essential to the operation of our website, we can use these without your consent and they cannot be managed by withdrawing your consent.

Through your browser settings or other tools.

6.6 Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies and to delete cookies. You can block the use of cookies generally (not just in respect of our website) by activating the relevant settings in your browser.

6.7 The methods for doing so vary from browser to browser, and from version to version. For more information on cookie management and blocking or deleting cookies for a wide variety of browsers, visit All About Cookies. You can however obtain up-to-date information about blocking and deleting cookies via these links:

(a) (Chrome);

(b) (Firefox);

(c) (Opera);

(d) (Internet Explorer);

(e) (Safari); and

(f) (Edge).

What about Google Chrome or other browser cookies?

6.8 Separately to our use of Google Analytics cookies, when you access the Site via Google applications such as Google Chrome, Google may collect user information for the purpose of Google serving personalised advertising across your devices. Google is able to place these advertising cookies on the devices used by visitors to the Site because we use Google services to run the Site. However these cookies are dropped for Google's own purposes and as such we do not have any control over how or when they are dropped. You will need to opt out of receiving these cookies via your Google settings. For further information about these cookies please see: Please note that other browsers may use similar tools.

7 Our Details

7.1 This website is owned and operated by The Modern House Ltd.

7.2 We are registered in England and Wales under registration number 6520183 and our registered office is at St Alphege Hall, King's Bench Street, London SE1 0QX.

7.3 Our principal place of business is at St Alphege Hall, King's Bench Street, London SE1 0QX.

7.4 You can contact us:

(a) by post, to the postal address given above

(b) by telephone, on 020 3795 5920

(c) by email, using

8 Further Information

8.1 For further information please contact or 020 3795 5920